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How to Go to War for Yourself and Succeed Fri, 19 Oct 2018 17:52:32 +0000 The post How to Go to War for Yourself and Succeed appeared first on Ironclad Confidence.


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How to HIJACK Your Life with CONFIDENCE Wed, 08 Aug 2018 17:40:07 +0000 The post How to HIJACK Your Life with CONFIDENCE appeared first on Ironclad Confidence.


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How to SPEAK Your TRUTH with BOLDNESS Tue, 31 Jul 2018 19:47:09 +0000 The post How to SPEAK Your TRUTH with BOLDNESS appeared first on Ironclad Confidence.


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How to Reprogram Your Mind for Success Sun, 03 Dec 2017 03:51:18 +0000 Do you want to know the secret to being successful in your life? It all starts with reprogramming your mind for success. Never underestimate the power of your mind and never underestimate the power of change. The foundation of all success is that “you become what you think about most of the time.” All the... Read More

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Do you want to know the secret to being successful in your life? It all starts with reprogramming your mind for success. Never underestimate the power of your mind and never underestimate the power of change. The foundation of all success is that “you become what you think about most of the time.”

All the past “thoughts” in your life have led to a very complex “programming” of input. Input equals the output of your total life reality. Your whole life, you have been receiving a constant stream of information or (input) of knowledge which has created your current thought patterns.

These patterns are the (output) reflections, actions and reality of your past and present programming. This programming directs you every minute of every day. This programming is called your governing memory patterns or your subconscious mind.

Want to be more successful in life? Challenge yourself every day to reprogram your mind.

Many people live in fear when they are challenged with new ideas and concepts. In fact, 90% of people in society never live the life of their dreams because of fear of change. If you want to change the results you’re getting in your life, you have to understand the power of changing and reprograming your mind.

Reprogramming and renewing your mental state of mind every day is vital to lifelong growth, personal success and achievement.

Your life demonstrates the power of your mind. What’s going on in your mind has a complete impact on the actions you take, on the decisions that you make, and the things that you experience every day. People miss out on amazing opportunities all the time because of the programming of what’s going on in their head because they are making bad decisions based on a really negative frame-of-mind.

The amazing thing about life is that you ALWAYS have a choice. In order to reprogram your thinking for success, you have to be willing to make the choice to challenge yourself. When you find successful principals to make growth-based upon the supported research, you can make better choices, choices that allow you to take full control of your life.

Watch the video below:

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Life is always ready to teach us new lessons if we are ready to (challenge) our way thinking for new insights and information. A new choice offers a new direction – towards a life of success or towards a life of suffering.

Ask yourself: “What am I focusing on? What am I studying on? What programming am I repeatedly working with? What information am I living by? What standards am I living by? Are they serving me successfully?” It’s important to ask yourself these types of questions because it helps you to challenge yourself. Just like going to the gym is challenging, so is challenging your own beliefs!

Without challenging yourself every day you will never be able to reprogram your mind for success, you will struggle to overcome your past negative patterns and bad habits. To reprogram your mind successfully, you have to be willing to replace the old programming with the new programming. That requires working on yourself regularly.

“For things to change, YOU have to change. For things to get better, YOU have to get better. For things to improve, YOU have to improve. When YOU grow, EVERYTHING in your life grows with you.” – Jim Rohn

If your only motivation is for money or boosting your own pride and ego, you will never achieve the level of success as a professional entrepreneur. Another word, you won’t get very far.

For you to reprogram your mind depends on your ability to work on yourself, relearn yourself, understand yourself, trust yourself, and align yourself with your core values, standards, and beliefs, which will give you core confidence in yourself.

Throughout life all of us have been raised according to certain standards, values, and beliefs, some with higher standards, values and beliefs (take more risk) and some with lower standards, values and beliefs (take a little risk). Even the people that love us often tell us not to think too big or take chances. That’s sad because life is always trying to teach us new lessons if we will just take the chance to learn them.

As a child, we all learn how to walk. But, it’s only by falling down multiple times that we actually program and reinforce ourselves to finally learn how to walk by forming a stronger memory pattern that gives us the core confidence in our ability to walk at will. Reprograming your mind for success is exactly the same.

If you are the same person today as you were last week, last month or last year, you are living your life based on an old or even outdated version of yourself. Think about it, if you are not challenging yourself to grow and improve yourself every day, every week, every month and every year. Then how can you actually create the success you want in your life?

You can’t!

So, the antidote to success is to update your mind with new ideas, new patterns and new information that will reprogram your mind. Just as the body needs a constant supply of new food and nutrients to keep it strong, healthy and fueled… so your subconscious mind needs a constant supply of new knowledge, goals and habits to keep it cultivated, renewed, fresh and growing achieve your goals.

The subconscious mind learns through repetition. Over the course of your life, your subconscious mind has been reinforced with a plethora of beliefs and habits (including limited beliefs) and habits (what you do every day). Every belief and habit you possess was formed through repetition, and we can implant new ones the same way.

So, we must challenge you to MAKE A NEW DECISION! Only then can we take ownership of our lives and create our future success.

Research by Steve Pavlina suggests that the number one skill that you will need in order to reprogram your mind for long-term success is the skillful ability to see your mind as a resource that you can utilize, train, and manage for future successes.

The only way you’re going to be able to do that is to make the choice to challenge yourself because the only thing you have control over is your mind and your reactions to what life brings your way.

Make the wise decision to reprogram your mind for success.

Do you want to learn how you can start living every day with confidence, passion, and energy? CLICK HERE to join Morning Ritual Mastery program!

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The post How to Reprogram Your Mind for Success appeared first on Ironclad Confidence.
